Saturday, January 2, 2010


So I have a couple of other blogs and I'm hesitant to start another when it can be difficult to keep up the two I already run; however, I am also a writer who is incredibly shy about sharing my work, yet would like to take it a bit more seriously, and would love feedback. So I'm taking this step as a New Year's Resolution.

At this blog you will find many different kinds of writing - chapters of novels, bits of dialogue for a play, poetry, short stories ... feedback, even moreso than at my other two blogs which I try to keep as interactive as possible, is beyond welcomed, but requested, required, encouraged here. I might not update this one on a daily or semi-daily basis as I try to with the other two, and then there might be days I post a whole bunch - it will not be a regular thing. But I hope to still get a follower or two and some feedback along the way.

Thanks for joining me on this journey to polish up my writing. And feel free to contribute some of your own as well! I'd love to post it in your behalf (giving you credit of course) and get you the feedback you might be too nervous to seek in person.

In short - whether you are a writer, a reader, both, or neither - thanks again for joining me. I hope we make it interesting for one another.